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The Kai Ika Project

Our mission is to minimise our impact on the marine environment through better utilisation of our natural resources. We encourage giving respect to each and every fish harvested and ensure no part of the fish is wasted. When we strip everything back to the bare necessity food insecurity is an environmental issue. We aim to connect New Zealanders and encourage collaboration with outside communities through the appreciation of all parts of kai moana. We hope to adjust people’s perceptions that fish heads are actually a revered food source.

Smoked Fish Pie
Kai Ika Smoked Fish Pie
Smoked Fish PieRecipes

Smoked Fish Pie

A hearty smoked fish pie using fish heads, wings, and frames, with a garlicky breadcrumb topping.
The Kai Ika ProjectThe Kai Ika Project
How To Fillet A Kingfish
How To Fillet A Kingfish
How To Fillet A KingfishField Notes

How To Fillet A Kingfish

This is how our team fillet an almighty kingfish. Follow these few easy steps and tips and you too can fillet like a pro! Part 2 of our series of…
The Kai Ika ProjectThe Kai Ika Project
How To Fillet A Snapper
How To Fillet A Snapper
How To Fillet A SnapperField Notes

How To Fillet A Snapper

While catching a fish can be rewarding, there’s no better feeling than filleting your fish to perfection and sharing anything you don't want. Our Lead Filleter Dave Ahoia is working…
The Kai Ika ProjectThe Kai Ika Project