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Field Notes10

Explore and enjoy our ‘Field Notes’—a curated (and ever-growing) collection of news, articles, media, and more. Dive into community-submitted stories, your shared experiences, the latest updates, and a variety of entertaining and informative content.

Spearfishing Giant Atlantic Halibut
Spearfishing Giant Atlantic Halibut
Spearfishing Giant Atlantic HalibutField Notes

Spearfishing Giant Atlantic Halibut

Absolutely none of the fish was wasted and everything was consumed; I am still enjoying halibut fillets four months later.
Daniel MannDaniel Mann
10 Quick Tips For Chasing Chamois
10 Quick Tips For Chasing Chamois
10 Quick Tips For Chasing ChamoisField Notes

10 Quick Tips For Chasing Chamois

Chamois are one of my favourite animals to hunt. They are curious, super intelligent and have the best eyesight of any game animal I know.
Points SouthPoints South
Mask Off
Mask OffField Notes

Mask Off

Tyler and I are sitting there on the side of a tussock hill face grinning from ear to ear. We were in total amazement of what had just happened.
Cam HendersonCam Henderson
Prepare For The Chase
Prepare For The ChaseField Notes

Prepare For The Chase

Rather than using the word ‘fit’ I prefer to use the word ‘conditioned’. The word conditioned can mean ‘being accustomed to a predictable pattern, acclimate, or become prepared by training.’
Michael McCormackMichael McCormack
Staying On Track
Staying on Track with Helen Waterworth
Staying On TrackField Notes

Staying On Track

I thrive on the struggle, I have left my comfort zone far behind to find and break my limits. Over time I have learned tips and tricks to stay on…
Helen WaterworthHelen Waterworth
Fitness For The Outdoors
Fitness For The Outdoors - Ashlee Strange
Fitness For The OutdoorsField Notes

Fitness For The Outdoors

No matter what kind of outdoor activities you may enjoy, whether it’s hiking, fishing, hunting, mountain biking, nature & wildlife photography, or any other pursuit, being healthy and fit will…
Ashlee StrangeAshlee Strange
How Spearfishing Helped Me Overcome Anxiety
Spearfishing swimming on surface in clean blue water
How Spearfishing Helped Me Overcome AnxietyField Notes

How Spearfishing Helped Me Overcome Anxiety

We discuss the hurdles I faced (and still face at times) and I give some insight into the tools I’ve used to continue in a pastime I have grown to…
Tim KavermannTim Kavermann
How To Fillet A Kingfish
How To Fillet A Kingfish
How To Fillet A KingfishField Notes

How To Fillet A Kingfish

This is how our team fillet an almighty kingfish. Follow these few easy steps and tips and you too can fillet like a pro! Part 2 of our series of…
The Kai Ika ProjectThe Kai Ika Project
How To Fillet A Snapper
How To Fillet A Snapper
How To Fillet A SnapperField Notes

How To Fillet A Snapper

While catching a fish can be rewarding, there’s no better feeling than filleting your fish to perfection and sharing anything you don't want. Our Lead Filleter Dave Ahoia is working…
The Kai Ika ProjectThe Kai Ika Project
Shooting and Landing a 35kg Kingfish
Shooting and Landing a 35kg Kingfish
Shooting and Landing a 35kg KingfishField Notes

Shooting and Landing a 35kg Kingfish

When the fish finally surfaced, I was relieved but physically spent. Weighed down by the effort and my gear, I barely made it back to the boat.
Tim KavermannTim Kavermann